Hawk's Nest

Friday, February 28, 2003

Word 'bursts' may reveal online trends
Searching for sudden "bursts" in the usage of particular words could be used to rapidly identify new trends and sort information more efficiently, says a US computer scientist.
These burst studies have a lot of potential in capitalizing on the emerging culture. Understanding and tapping into this in a business environment is critical. In technology, it's a way to watch for the next big thing...like this blog! Word burst="Hawk"

Thursday, February 27, 2003

'Mister Rogers' dies at age 74

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Who is my neighbor? Fred Rogers helped me understand.
Now he's helping new generations through the magic of reruns.
He will be missed.

State Farm Won't Replace Car In Case Of Nuclear Attack

If you're going to be driving around after a nuclear attack and your insurer is State Farm, you may want to change insurance.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Media Gone Mad
"What I find amazing is the fact that with every article that covers this non-issue, the story gets better and better."
Why does the media go awry when it comes to Microsoft? One of the distinctives of this blog will be a defense of Microsoft in setting the record straight on any issues unfairly represented by the media. I've been doing it for a while in my own little sphere of influence. But now I'm going public. Hang on...it'll be a fun ride!

Mere Cost Cutting May Not Be Answer

"There are three fundamental portfolio categories that CIOs should structure their budgets around," Rubin said. "Running the business, growing the business and transforming the business."

This little article from over a year ago is a fascinating look at how IT can be transformational to the core business values of an organization rather than purely a maintenance/cost-saving entity. As I work for the tourism agency in my state, I see implications for my work environment. What if our office was integral to a plan to increase tourism to our State instead of incidental? What if brainstorming about technological approaches to increasing tourism were considered? I can see a lot of potential.

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Christianity Today Magazine - Moody Closes Magazine, Restructures Aviation Program
Due to financial strains, Moody Bible Institute in Chicago has announced this week that it is shutting down Moody magazine, massively restructuring its missionary aviation program, and closing its retail bookstores.

It's ironic that on the day I start my blog, this should be an event. I graduated from Moody and even was in the flight program in the first semester. I also read Moody Monthly/Magazine for many years. Those years were great but I've moved on. And so it seems many others will as well.

This is the beginning...