ESPN Study: Most People Don't Want DVRs ? MarketingVOX
What this study doesn't tell us...
Were the 157 households viewers of ESPN? If they were, doesn't the immediacy of sporting events shown love trump the value brought by time-shifting with a DVR? Were electronics in general hard for these households to install? Is fashion sense really a valid reason to not want a technology? Of the 157 households, how much daily TV was watched...above the 4hr daily average of most thereby rendering them comatose? Was this group so passive that they didn't even want to fast forward?
Finally, do 90 households who watch ESPN, buy technology because of "how it looks", have no clue how to plug in 3 wires or program their VCR (an ancient form of DVR) and support rampant commercialism really have something to say to us about DVR adoption? Is MediaPost really a front for the MPAA?
What this study doesn't tell us...
Were the 157 households viewers of ESPN? If they were, doesn't the immediacy of sporting events shown love trump the value brought by time-shifting with a DVR? Were electronics in general hard for these households to install? Is fashion sense really a valid reason to not want a technology? Of the 157 households, how much daily TV was watched...above the 4hr daily average of most thereby rendering them comatose? Was this group so passive that they didn't even want to fast forward?
Finally, do 90 households who watch ESPN, buy technology because of "how it looks", have no clue how to plug in 3 wires or program their VCR (an ancient form of DVR) and support rampant commercialism really have something to say to us about DVR adoption? Is MediaPost really a front for the MPAA?
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