Hawk's Nest

Friday, May 28, 2004

DNA Study Finds Chihuahuas Aren't Dogs

Truth revealed on Page 3

IT Trends and Industrial Evolution

This keynote was focused around development but I found the parallels to the industrial revolution fascinating. We should always learn from the past.

Fair (Use) Is Fair

Sometimes corrective measures do come along to fix what went wrong. Write your legislator(s) and support this bill, H.R. 107, the Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act of 2003.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Trailer Alert: Alexander by Oliver Stone

Gmail - Gmail rocks!!

I got my very own Gmail account last night around midnight. Woohoo!! Very cool stuff. Because I was a blogger user, I was randomly selected to get one (1 of every 20). I wish all of you well on your own quest for the holy grail/gmail.

Monday, May 03, 2004


Want to take advantage of some of that government money that never gets spent every year because people don't know how to get it or if they qualify? Your first place to look is here.

Noah's Ark Found? Turkey Expedition Planned for Summer

What if this turns out to be Noah's Ark? What are the implications for finding a boat at 17,000 feet? Unfortunately, this article doesn't discuss that. Personally, I think it would the biggest archeological discovery ever.

Microsoft Notebook: Making music subscriptions portable

This announcement is something to pay attention to. The model makes sense from a lot of different perspectives. Imagine have all the music you want at your fingertips to listen to without having to spend enormous amounts of money to buy the music. I'm interested to see how this takes off.